Portfolio of travel-accommodation marketing and promotional content
| Accommodations: Hotels | Air line | Canal boat | Health resort-spa |
Horseback in the Rocky Mountains | China travel | Britain's Wall | World cities
| Health-medical care | South Pacific | Custom Maps | Travel writers |
Content designers and producers helping to market-promote that special place or service for business and personal travelers.
- Luk Kwok Hotel, Hong Kong, PRC
Major hotel with conference & banquet facilities web site designed by commercial graphic design consultant Tony Yau. With extensive experience in the telecommunications-web industries, years of print work and degrees from York University, Toronto and the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Tony and his associates are able to help bridge marketing communications issues between Asia and North America.
- Vancouver, BC, Canada
Vancouver is well known as one of the top destination cities for world travelers. Supporting this position is its wealth of natural scenic resources
and travel services.
Looking for a seasoned copy writer? Vancouver is also home to travel and business writers such as
Teresa Murphy · Brian Buchanan · Guy Robertson. They've been writing for both web and print magazines since the "web was young".
Teresa's sparkling articles about horse back resort holidays in the Rocky Mountains - or - that warmer Mexican health spa, are not only informative but entertaining in their own right.
If you're planning a business conference and need a copy writer, Brian Buchanan has published hundreds of articles in print and web media in the business arena. Teresa Murphy is also an accomplished technical writer having recently done news releases re hitech companies
such as Ballard Power.
If you're looking for a "safe place to stay" or have your convention, consider Guy Robertson, well published
emergency plan consultant, who also is a prolific writer of articles for the insurance, finance and records management industries.
- Brochure cover - for Asia's Thai Air
by commercial graphic design and creativity consultant Tony Yau based in Hong Kong
educated at the York University, Toronto and the University of Alberta, Edmonton.
E-mail tyau@netvigator.com
- Eco-tour web site FridayTours.com
in the Pacific-North-West of USA and western Canada
web designer, Andrew Teo. See www.bushfire.com for more samples of Andrew's web media work.
(note: this site is best seen with subdued lighting behind your computer screen)
- Marsha Berman, experienced, published photojournalist, and development professional in Papua New Guinea. samples of her work
can be found at www.pngbuai.com Papua New Guinea's Books Useful Articles & Information research publications web site.
Maps - tour guides - print & web multi-media promotions
World class maps: specialty city and regional tour and directional guides are custom made by
Weller Cartographic Services Ltd. in Canada. With 20 years of experience in the print map area, Angus Weller in recent
years has become a technology leader in the use of Adobe® Acrobat® PDF map production for web and non web promotions.
- Weller's PDF maps will be a feature of the Adobe Acrobat 5 Master Class Interactive & Multi-Media for PDF" book by Pattie Belle-Hastings & Bjorn Akseleson (Ice House Design), published by Peachpit Press 2002.
- Weller maps have been printed by Asian and North American publishers, including maps of
- China's Beijing and Shanghai city maps
- China Shanghai regional map in pdf format
- Japan's Tokyo subway system see sample excerpts from
Tokyo, Ginza map
- Brazil's Rio de Janeiro city map
- Canada's Greater Vancouver city maps -
- Specialty pdf maps of Golf Courses in BC, Canada
- Regional maps of Mongolia, Central America & USA specialty maps
- for more information go to the website at www.mapmatrix.com
Domain names for sale or lease
A domain name is part of your image, identity, brand-recognition on the World Wide Web. Let us help you find and/or develop your domain name(s) as part of an overall marketing strategic campaign.
- Specialty domain names available for development, investment or sale.
- In areas of: law, real-estate, retail, marketing, graphic design/illustration, publishing/writing, health-rehab, marine, China, equipment manufacturing.
- For use of client/partners of ServiceMatrix.com
- For more information contact us at Netpac.com buiders of "findable web sites"
Sample web designs